Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Spiritual Art of War!

    • A message from the instructor

    • How to use this course

    • Before we begin...

  • 2

    Chapter #1

    • Exercise Video 1: Strike with a Borrow Hand

    • Distract our adversary.

    • Strategy

    • Exercise Worksheet 1: Strike With a Borrowed Hand

    • Exercise Worksheet 1

    • Your SQ (Surprise Quotient) Discussions

  • 3

    Chapter #2

    • Exercise Video 2: Show Part, but Not All, of Your Plan

    • Show Part, but Not all, of Your Plan

    • The World of Business

    • Exercise Worksheet 2

    • Exercise Worksheet 2

    • Your Own Blind Spot(s)

  • 4

    Chapter #3

    • Exercise Video 3: Incapacitate the Leadership

    • Incapacitate the Leadership

    • Five Dangerous Fault That May affect the General

    • Exercise Worksheet 3

    • Exercise Worksheet 3

    • Assessment

  • 5

    Chapter 4

    • Exercise Video 4: Catch Your Adversary Sleeping

    • Catch Your Adversary Sleeping

    • Competitive Intelligence and Senior Management

    • Exercise Worksheet 4

    • Exercise Worksheet 4

    • Scoring

  • 6

    Chapter 5

    • Exercise Video 5: Stand Back and Watch the Fires Burn

    • Stand Back and Watch the Fires Burn

    • A Fire in Your Enemy's Fire Camp

    • Exercise Worksheet

    • Exercise Worksheet 5

    • Watch and Wait

  • 7

    Chapter 6

    • Exercise Video 6: Conceal Your Purpose Behind a Smile

    • Conceal Your Purpose Behind A Smile

    • The Connection Between the Cold War and Jesus’ Admonition To “Love Your Enemies”

    • Exercise Worksheet 6

    • Exercise Worksheet 6

    • Scoring

  • 8

    Chapter 7

    • Exercise Video 7: Leave a Vulnerability Unprotected

    • Leave A Vulnerability Unprotected

    • An Essential Component

    • Exercise Worksheet 7

    • Exercise Worksheet 7

    • Assessment

  • 9

    Chapter 8

    • Exercise Video 8: Feign Foolishness

    • Feign Foolishness

    • Cautionary Tale of the American Auto Manufacturers

    • Exercise Worksheet 8

    • Exercise Worksheet 8

    • Strategy

  • 10

    Chapter 9

    • Exercise Video 9: Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountain

    • Lure The Tiger Out Of The Mountains

    • Tie-in With Business

    • Exercise Worksheet 9

    • Exercise Worksheet 9

    • Result

  • 11

    Chapter 10

    • Exercise Video 10: Befriend the Far to Address the Near

    • Befriend The Far To Address The Near

    • Creating Distant Allies

    • Exercise Worksheet

    • Exercise Worksheet 10

    • Allies

  • 12

    Chapter 11

    • Exercise Video 11: Sacrifice a Nickel for a Dollar

    • Sacrifice A Nickel For A Dollar

    • Sacrificing A Nickel For A Dollar Is A Loosing Battle

    • Exercise Worksheet 11

    • Exercise Worksheet 11

    • Assessment

  • 13

    Chapter 12

    • Exercise Video 12: Eliminate Your Adversary’s Choices

    • Eliminate Your Adversary’s Choices

    • Cautionary Lesson

    • Exercise Worksheet 12

    • Exercise Worksheet 12

    • Scoring

  • 14

    Chapter 13

    • Exercise Video 13: Muddy the Water to Hide the Nets

    • Muddy The Water To Hide The Nets

    • Knowledge As Power

    • Exercise Worksheet 13

    • Exercise Worksheet 13

    • Your CQ (Concealment Quotient)

  • 15

    Chapter 14

    • Exercise Video 14: Aid Your Adversary’s Victim

    • Aid Your Adversary’s Victim

    • Using This Principle in Business

    • Exercise Worksheet 14

    • Exercise Worksheet 14

    • Final Strategy

  • 16

    Chapter 15

    • Exercise Video 15: Travel in the Open Without Suspicion

    • Travel in the Open Without Suspicion

    • Covert Operation

    • Exercise Worksheet 15

    • Exercise Worksheet 15

    • Attack

  • 17

    Chapter 16

    • Exercise Video 16: Disorient Your Adversary

    • Disorient Your Adversary.

    • Strategy & Business Planning of Privately Held Companies

    • Exercise Worksheet 16

    • Exercise Worksheet 16

    • Assessment

  • 18

    Chapter 17

    • Exercise Video 17: Engage Your Adversary From Many Directions

    • Engage Your Adversary From Many Directions

    • Take Caution

    • Exercise Worksheet 17

    • Exercise Worksheet 17

    • Scoring

  • 19

    Chapter 18

    • Exercise Video 18: Fill Your Camp with Empty Tents

    • Fill Your Camp with Empty Tents

    • Plant That Seed of Trust In God

    • Exercise Worksheet 18

    • Exercise Worksheet 18

    • Assessment

  • 20

    Chapter 19

    • Exercise Video 19: Provide a Center for Advantage

    • Provide a Center for Advantage

    • Return Good For Evil

    • Exercise Worksheet 19

    • Exercise Worksheet 19

    • Scoring

  • 21

    Chapter 20

    • Exercise Video 20: Allow Your Adversary No Sanctuary

    • Allow Your Adversary No Sanctuary

    • Valuable Lesson

    • Exercise Worksheet 20

    • Exercise Worksheet 20

    • Assessment

  • 22

    Chapter 21

    • Exercise Video 21: Kick Away the Ladder After the Ascent

    • Kick Away the Ladder After the Ascent

    • Giving Your Last Seed

    • Exercise Worksheet 21

    • Exercise Worksheet 21

    • Scoring

  • 23

    Chapter 22

    • Exercise Video 22: Eliminate Your Adversary

    • Eliminate Your Adversary

    • Utter Elimination

    • Exercise Worksheet 22

    • Exercise Worksheet 22

    • Your EP (Elimination Potential)

  • 24

    Chapter 23

    • Exercise Video 23: Prolong the Fight

    • Prolong the Fight

    • You Must Compete

    • Exercise Worksheet 23

    • Exercise Worksheet 23

    • Total Endurance Score

  • 25

    Chapter 24

    • Exercise Video 24: Use Overwhelming Force

    • Use Overwhelming Force

    • Tie-in With The Principle

    • Exercise Worksheet 24

    • Exercise Worksheet 24

    • Scoring

  • 26

    Chapter 25

    • Exercise Video 25: Defeat Your Adversary’s Plans

    • Defeat Your Adversary’s Plans

    • Defeating Your Enemy’s Plans

    • Exercise Worksheet 25

    • Exercise Worksheet 25

  • 27

    Chapter 26

    • Exercise Video 26: Raise the Stakes

    • Raise the Stakes

    • The Earlier Strategy of Endurance

    • Exercise Worksheet 26

    • Exercise Worksheet 26

    • Method

  • 28

    Chapter 27

    • Exercise Video 27: Let the Tiger Find No Place to Sink Its Claws

    • Let the Tiger Find No Place to Sink Its Claws

    • Your Goal Should Be To Remove A Potential Vulnerability

    • Exercise Worksheet 27

    • Exercise Worksheet 27

    • Bluffing

  • 29

    Chapter 28

    • Exercise Video 28: Sheath Your Sword

    • Sheath Your Sword

    • What Being Wise As Serpents and Harmless As Doves Is All About

    • Exercise Worksheet 28

    • Exercise Worksheet 28

    • Result

  • 30

    Chapter 29

    • Exercise Video 29: Target a Center of Gravity

    • Target a Center of Gravity

    • The Value

    • Exercise Worksheet 29

    • Exercise Worksheet 29

    • Protecting value

  • 31

    Chapter 30

    • Exercise Video 30: Feint in the East, Act in the West

    • Feint in the East, Act in the West

    • Distraction and Misdirection

    • Exercise Worksheet 30

    • Exercise Worksheet 30

    • Your DR (Deception Rating)

  • 32

    Chapter 31

    • Exercise Video 31: Leave Behind an Empty Shell

    • Leave Behind an Empty Shell

    • The Trick of Leaving Behind An Empty Shell

    • Exercise Worksheet 31

    • Exercise Worksheet 31

    • Benefits

  • 33

    Chapter 32

    • Exercise Video 32: Change the Pace of the Engagement

    • Change the Pace of the Engagement

    • Changing Your Pacing

    • Exercise Worksheet 32

    • Exercise Worksheet 32

    • Your score

  • 34

    Chapter 33

    • Exercise Video 33: Change the Scope of the Engagement

    • Change the Scope of the Engagement

    • Reminder of the Passage

    • Exercise Worksheet 33

    • Exercise Worksheet 33

    • Rating

  • 35

    Chapter 34:

    • Exercise Video 34: Bolt the Door Behind the Thief

    • Bolt the Door Behind the Thief

    • The Book of Esther

    • Exercise Worksheet 34

    • Exercise Worksheet 34

    • Assessment

  • 36

    Chapter 35

    • Exercise Video 35: Lure Your Adversary with Bait

    • Lure Your Adversary with Bait

    • This Principle in Marketing

    • Exercise Worksheet 35

    • Exercise Worksheet 35

    • Your trap readiness

  • 37

    Chapter 36

    • Exercise Video 36: Provoke Your Adversary’s Reaction

    • Provoke Your Adversary’s Reaction

    • Provoking Your Adversary’s Reaction

    • Exercise Worksheet 36

    • Exercise Worksheet 36

    • Scoring

  • 38

    Chapter 37

    • Exercise Video 37: Lie in Wait for an Attacking Adversary

    • Lie in Wait for an Attacking Adversary

    • The Art of Good Defense

    • Exercise Worksheet 37

    • Exercise Worksheet 37

    • Total score

  • 39

    Chapter 38

    • Exercise Video 38: Loot a Burning House

    • Loot a Burning House

    • Tithing Is Important

    • Exercise Worksheet 38

    • Exercise Worksheet 38

    • Assessment

  • 40

    Chapter 39

    • Exercise Video 39: Isolate Your Adversary

    • Isolate Your Adversary

    • Keep Your Enemy In The Dark

    • Exercise Worksheet 39

    • Exercise Worksheet 39

    • Scoring

  • 41

    Chapter 40

    • Exercise Video 40: Create Something from Nothing

    • Create Something from Nothing

    • A Misdirected and Misguided enemy

    • Exercise Worksheet 40

    • Worksheet Exercise 40

    • Benefits

  • 42

    Chapter 41

    • Video Exercise 41: Douse the Fire that Boils in the Water

    • Douse the Fire that Boils in the Water

    • Neutralizing Your Enemy’s Source of Power

    • Exercise Worksheet 41

    • Exercise Worksheet 41

    • Assessment

  • 43

    Chapter 42

    • Video Exercise 42: Render The Engagement Pointless

    • Render The Engagement Pointless

    • Why Is Your Adversary After You?

    • Exercise Worksheet 42

    • Exercise Worksheet 42

    • Scoring

  • 44

    Chapter 43:

    • Video Exercise 43: Reveal an Injury to Gain Support

    • Reveal an Injury to Gain Support

    • The Most Crucial Element

    • Exercise Worksheet 43

    • Exercise Worksheet 43

    • Results

  • 45

    Chapter 44

    • Video Exercise 44: Make an Example out of Another

    • Make an Example out of Another

    • The Story of Moses

    • Exercise Worksheet 44

    • Exercise Worksheet 44

    • Assessment

  • 46

    Chapter 45:

    • Video Exercise 45: Tempt Your Adversary with a Way Out

    • Tempt Your Adversary with a Way Out

    • Advice from Sun Tzu

    • Exercise Worksheet 45

    • Exercise Worksheet 45

    • To do list

  • 47

    Chapter 46:

    • Video Exercise 46: Rise up and Charge

    • Rise up and Charge

    • The Effect of “Deadly Peril" On An Army

    • Exercise Worksheet 46

    • Exercise Worksheet 46

    • Results

  • 48

    Chapter 47

    • Exercise Video 47: Score a Small Victory Along the Way

    • Score a Small Victory Along the Way

    • Command The hill, Hold the Valley

    • Exercise Worksheet 47

    • Exercise Worksheet 47

    • Scoring

  • 49

    Chapter 48

    • Exercise Video 48: Score a Small Victory Along the Way

    • Score a Small Victory Along the Way

    • Taking A Minor Prize Is Also Great For Morale

    • Exercise Worksheet 48

    • Exercise Worksheet 48

    • Your top small gains

  • 50

    Chapter 49

    • Exercise Video 49: Sow a Discord

    • Sow a Discord

    • This Principles Saves You Energy

    • Exercise Worksheet 49

    • Exercise Worksheet 49

    • Assessment

  • 51

    Chapter 50

    • Exercise Video 50: Win over Your Adversary with Kindness

    • Win Over Your Adversary With Kindness

    • If You Win Over Your Adversary With Kindness

    • Exercise Worksheet 50

    • Exercise Worksheet 50

    • Goals

  • 52

    Chapter 51

    • Exercise Video 51: Live to Fight Another Day

    • Live to Fight Another Day

    • Living To Fight Another Day

    • Exercise Worksheet 51

    • Exercise Worksheet 51

    • Your Retreat Prospects

  • 53

    Chapter 52

    • Exercise Video 52: Reverse Roles From Guest to Host

    • Reverse Roles From Guest to Host

    • Create value for the organization

    • Exercise Worksheet 52

    • Exercise Worksheet 52

    • Results

  • 54

    Chapter 53

    • Exercise Video 53: Raise an Icon from the Past

    • Raise an Icon from the Past

    • Empires Rise And Fall In The Name Of Ideals.

    • Exercise Worksheet 53

    • Exercise Worksheet 53

    • Assessment

  • 55

    Chapter 54

    • Exercise Video 54: Burden Your Adversary with Victory

    • Burden Your Adversary with Victory

    • An Adversary Burdened With Victory

    • Exercise Worksheet 54

    • Exercise Worksheet 54

    • Scoring